What We Do

Infinity Insurance Services, LLC. is a full-service independent adjusting firm providing outstanding claims handling services. We have an extensive background in handling various types of claims and possess over 60 years claims experience company-wide. We possess expertise in handling property, casualty, marine, auto, and general liability claims. From full assignments to task assignments, we can handle all of your particular needs.


Our Services

Daily Claims

Our daily claim handling footprint includes AZ, CO, IA, IL, KS, NE, NM, NV, SD, UT

Large Loss Claims

Our EGA has over 30 years of field experience

Third Party Administrators

We are an experienced third-party administrator for property and casualty claims.  Our services can be catered to your specific needs.

CAT Services

Our catastrophe division is among the best in the industry.  Our proven track record speaks volumes for the results that you can expect and depend on.  Our adjusters have been handling claims for decades.

Our CAT Team Services

Immediate deployment to CAT sites available

Initial Contacts


Prompt File

Areas We Service

We are licensed throughout the country.  We currently daily claim assignments in AZ, CO, IA, IL, KS, NE, NM, NV, SD, and UT. Our catastrophe services include all of the states highlighted in the map.  Lastly, our EGA can handle any of your large loss assignments in the highlighted states.